- Dissemination of oral health care information/ Development and distribution of oral health educational materials
Dissemination of oral health care information/
Development and distribution of oral health educational materials
Development and distribution of oral health educational materials
< Dissemination of oral health information >
Through media such as our website, e-mail newsletters or quarterly leaflets, LDH disseminates information obtained from LDH activities to the general publics as well as to dental professionals and health educators.

Web site — https://www.lion-dent-health.or.jp/
< Development and distribution of oral health educational materials >
Developed by The Lion Foundation for Dental Health(LDH), easy-to-understand and effective educational/learning materials are available for oral health guidance for children, from toddlers to students.

Embossed teeth model

3D teeth-model sheets

Models of the jaw and toothbrush

Educational DVD—“Kamukoto no taisetsusa”